Climate sensors

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DOL Wireless Grain Sensor CSS-TM

iDOL 46 ATEX Capacitive/Proximity Sensor

DOL Wireless Grain Sensor CSS-TMDOL Wireless Grain Sensor CSS-TM

DOL 114 Humidity and Temperature Sensor

iDOL 46 ATEX Capacitive/Proximity SensoriDOL 46 ATEX Capacitive/Proximity Sensor
DOL 114 Humidity and Temperature SensorDOL 114 Humidity and Temperature Sensor

DOL 104 Humidity Sensor

DOL 53 Ammonia Sensor

DOL 51 Ammonia Sensor for Air Cleaning

DOL 51 Ammonia Sensor for Air CleaningDOL 51 Ammonia Sensor for Air Cleaning
DOL 53 Ammonia SensorDOL 53 Ammonia Sensor
DOL 104 Humidity SensorDOL 104 Humidity Sensor

DOL 27 and iDOL 27 Capacitive/Proximity Sensor

DOL 26 Capacitive/Proximity Sensor

DOL 27 and iDOL 27 Capacitive/Proximity Sensor

DOL 27 and iDOL 27 Capacitive/Proximity SensorDOL 27 and iDOL 27 Capacitive/Proximity Sensor
DOL 26 Capacitive/Proximity SensorDOL 26 Capacitive/Proximity Sensor
DOL 27 and iDOL 27 Capacitive/Proximity SensorDOL 27 and iDOL 27 Capacitive/Proximity Sensor

DOL 18 Sub-Pressure Sensor

DOL 16 Light Intensity Sensor

DOL 13 Temperature Sensor

DOL 13 Temperature SensorDOL 13 Temperature Sensor
DOL 16 Light Intensity SensorDOL 16 Light Intensity Sensor
DOL 18 Sub-Pressure SensorDOL 18 Sub-Pressure Sensor

DOL 12 Temperature Sensor

DOL 58 Weather Sensor

DOL 58 Weather SensorDOL 58 Weather Sensor
DOL 12 Temperature SensorDOL 12 Temperature Sensor

DOL 111 Rain Detector

DOL 139 Humidity, Temperature, and C02 Sensor

DOL 112-PT1000 (3 or 4-wire) Temperature Sensor

DOL 112-PT1000 (3 or 4-wire) Temperature SensorDOL 112-PT1000 (3 or 4-wire) Temperature Sensor
DOL 139 Humidity, Temperature, and C02 SensorDOL 139 Humidity, Temperature, and C02 Sensor
DOL 111 Rain DetectorDOL 111 Rain Detector

DOL 28 and iDOL 28 Capacitive/Proximity Sensor

DOL 119 CO2 Sensor

DOL 45 Capacitive Relay Sensor

DOL 45 Capacitive Relay SensorDOL 45 Capacitive Relay Sensor
DOL 119 CO2 SensorDOL 119 CO2 Sensor
DOL 28 and iDOL 28 Capacitive/Proximity SensorDOL 28 and iDOL 28 Capacitive/Proximity Sensor

DOL 43 Capacitive Relay Sensor

DOL 41 Capacitive Relay Sensor

DOL 41 Capacitive Relay SensorDOL 41 Capacitive Relay Sensor
DOL 43 Capacitive Relay SensorDOL 43 Capacitive Relay Sensor

DOL 10 Temperature Sensor

DOL 10 Temperature SensorDOL 10 Temperature Sensor